How to translate

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How to translate


Note: This instructions only applies to the on-line version ( of this help files.


Translate webpages in Chrome

When you come across a page written in a language you don't understand, you can use Chrome to translate the page.

1.On your computer, open Chrome.

2.Go to a webpage written in another language.

3.On the right of the address bar, click Translate .

4.Click on your preferred language.

5.Chrome will translate your current webpage.

Not working? Try refreshing the webpage. If it’s still not working, right-click anywhere on the page. Then, click Translate to [Language].

See more details in: Change Chrome languages & translate webpages - Computer - Google Chrome Help

Translate a webpage in Microsoft Edge

1.Open a webpage in Microsoft Edge. The browser will detect the language of the page and a menu will appear asking you to confirm that you want to translate the page.

2.Do any of the following:

3.In the Translate to dropdown, choose the language you want the page translated into. The default is the language you've set for Microsoft Edge.

4.To translate the page, click Translate.

5.To always automatically translate from the source language, select the Always translate from [Language] check box.

6.To skip translation, in the list on the lower right, select Not now to skip translation or Never translate [Language] to never have the panel appear when you go to a page using that language.


See more details in: Use Microsoft Translator in Microsoft Edge browser - Microsoft Support


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Actualizado en: domingo, 13 de octubre de 2024